This outdoor box is ideal to explore Maths in the great outdoors. There are many ways of using this box and we are sure that children will come up with even more ideas. Simply use discs and sticks provided and encourage children to add natural treasures, such as stones, sticks, flowers, petals, acorns and more. This new Maths crate is full of wonderful mathematical learning possibilities. It includes over 120 items with weatherproof boards: number frames and part/part/whole frame.

In this Maths box you will find everything you need to create fun learning opportunities. Here are five play ideas for you:

5 ways to play and learn with the Cosy Outdoor Maths Box :

  1. Use the resources provided and count 

Have fun with it. Use the weatherproof frames to count the discs and sticks provided.

Counting outdoors can be more exciting, especially when there is nature around. Encourage children to find additional materials like petals, stones, flowers and feathers to enhance their learning and add a sensory element.

2. Create shapes with sticks

Create 2D shapes with a set of sticks provided. You can encourage children to draw their shapes on the chalkboard discs. Play a shape game – call a shape and let the children create one using loose parts. Decorate your shapes with nature such as flowers, leaves and stones.

3. Make a pattern

Encourage children to make patterns. Look at the patterns outside, what can you see? Can you create a pattern with objects found around you? What other patterns can you make? Use the number frames provided to help you make a repetitive pattern.

4. Call a number

Use chalk to draw numbers on discs. Turn the discs around and get some loose parts ready. You can collect some flowers like daisies or dandelions and place them next to you. Each player will pick a number, then place the loose part.


5. Part/Part/Whole Board

Part/whole board is another fabulous mathematical tool to use outside. You can collect leaves and cut them in half to explore the concept of part-whole relationship. Support children’s mathematical language and thinking about partitioning.

Hint and Tips: You could simply create your own ten's frame from cardboard. Make one for yourself as well to play games together.

We hope that you have got lots of ideas to take away with our Outdoor Maths box.

Join us every Monday with Cosy Maths team with your Maths ideas, simply tag #cosymathsteam to be featured


With thanks to The Cosy Creatives for this blog post.

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