Spring is here and we’re excited here at Cosy! Here are some of our favourite ways to share Spring with Children!

Floral play

Nothing quite says Summer is on its way like floral play. Whether it’s adding petals and grass to the mud kitchen, using petals in the water tray, or making paint with crushed petals, incorporating flowers in various ways will add a lovely sensory experience. We have lots of different ideas for floral play on our Pinterest board here.

Natural mandalas

Make the most of nature’s offerings by making your very own Spring mandalas! Fresh green leaves, washed stones, beautiful colourful petals and more will give you plenty to work with to create lovely floor patterns. If you’re after some inspiration, we have a Pinterest board full!

On the farm

Lambs, ducklings and baby rabbits - there’s lots going on down on the farm! Try making your own simple farm tuff spot with farm animal figures, cornflakes and weetabix. A farm role play area will go down or storm, or perhaps even a role play farmer’s market with real fruit and vegetables? Extend the play further with a visit to a farm local to you to feed the lambs, or perhaps a visit to a local park to see if you can spot any ducklings. 

Get planting

As Spring warms up the earth, it’s a great time to start creating your own outdoor garden. Whether it’s using balcony space, an allotment, or your own green space, encourage children to do some research on what is coming into season, and get planting! Double up the wonder by planting a herb garden near to your mud kitchen, so that little ones can pick fresh herbs to season their mud pies. 

Spring books 

We like to imagine little ones looking through these books in an outdoor reading area, or perhaps sitting having a lunch picnic while listening to these read to them! These books will be great prompts for Spring provision, as well as lovely enhancements for your reading area. 

  • ‘One Springy Day’ by Nick Butterworth
  • ‘Bee’ by Britta Teekentrup 
  • ‘And Then It’s Spring’ by Julia Fogliano 
  • ‘The Tiny Seed’ by Eric Carle
  • ‘Busy Spring’ by Sean Taylor and Alex Morss 
  • ‘Odd Egg’ by Emily Gravett
  • ‘We’re Going On an Egg Hunt’ by Laura Hughes
  • ‘The Odd Egg’ by Emily Gravett 
  • 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle
  • 'Tisha and Blossom' by Wendy Meddour
  • 'Tiny Seed' by Eric Carle

Spring songs and nursery rhymes

There are plenty of lovely songs and nursery rhymes to make use of with children around the themes of Spring, flowers and growth. Here are our favourites! All are in the public domain and are easily searchable online. 

  • ‘Sleeping Bunnies’
  • ‘Five Little Ducks’
  • ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’
  • ‘Old McDonalds Had a Farm’
  • ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’
  • ‘Hot Cross Buns’

We hope you receive warm weather your end as Spring joins us in the UK. Let us know if you try any of our ideas by tagging us on social media! Happy playing! 

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