Cosy Direct Blog

  1. Feed children’s imagination with 5 outdoor art activities

    Feed children’s imagination with 5 outdoor art activities

    Art and Creative Expression helps the development of children’s imagination, creativity and their ability to use and explore different media and materials. Outdoor art activities encourage children to explore with nature. “Art is as natural as sunshine and as vital as nourishment.” MaryAnn Kohl Art includes a wide range of activities. From exploring colours, textures, making music, singing songs, to...
  2. Mess is Good!

    Mess is Good!

    Play in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) can involve mess – whether that’s mud, paint, glue or baking ingredients.  Sometimes, just the term ‘mess’ and conjure up negative images of this type of play, making it seem chaotic and out of control.  However, the truth is that mess can be a sensory, hands on, practical experience.  It holds immense...
  3. Inspiring ideas on how to create a fairy garden

    Inspiring ideas on how to create a fairy garden

    Welcome to the realm of the fairies, pixies and elves. If you're close enough you may even spot a mischievous tree troll! Below we explore creativity, imagination and share ideas on how to create a fairy garden. This is the beauty of imaginative play like that of a fairy garden - it allows children to explore their own imaginations. It’s...
  4. Our best sand and water play ideas

    Our best sand and water play ideas

    Get stuck into experiential play with these sand and water play ideas. Set up a water wall and sand area for children to explore and experiment. Below we share our best sand and water play ideas to inspire you: Water Play Ideas A water wall is perfect for experimenting with the forces and flow of water. Children love playing with...
  5. Small World Play Ideas and Inspiration

    Small World Play Ideas and Inspiration

    Small world play can be a creative, inspiring way to support the learning and development of young children through play.  Through this type of play, rich opportunities can evolve which impact on development across the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).  This makes small world play a valuable part of provision, not to mention a versatile way to build on children's...
  6. Our best outdoor storage shed solutions

    Our best outdoor storage shed solutions

    Our best outdoor storage shed solutions all in one place! Some great solutions to keep your resources nice and tidy and to access them easily. Children love to have the independence to self-select their own resources and to tidy them all away. We have designed sheds which can be used as storage and at the same time can be used...
  7. How to work towards being a Plastic Free School

    How to work towards being a Plastic Free School

    There is an ever-increasing worry around plastics; in our oceans, polluting our environment, animal habitats and taking 100s of years to decompose. Single-use plastics need to be eradicated for good and children can get behind this movement for change by becoming a plastic free school. Small changes can make a big difference! The education secretary has called for schools to...
  8. Minibeasts - Learning through Play

    Minibeasts - Learning through Play

    Enjoying an interest in minibeasts and learning through play, whether in a setting or at home, is a great way to embrace hands-on, practical learning in a playful way. What’s great is that to hunt for minibeasts, we need to be outside so not only are we enjoying this focus but getting fresh air at the same time. This means...
  9. The Magic of Den Building...

    The Magic of Den Building...

    Constructing a den can be a magical learning experience as well as being a lot of fun.  It's one of those activities where the process is just as much fun as the end product!  Our role as educators is to facilitate the play by providing suitable resources and spaces for den building.  Children also need responsive, tuned in adults to...
  10. Creating a Culture and Ethos Around Outdoor Play

    Creating a Culture and Ethos Around Outdoor Play

    In these COVID times, the power of outdoor play is becoming even more widely recognised.  Settings are spending more and more time outdoors, with some becoming fully outdoors based.  Not only does being outdoors reduce the risk of COVID transmitting, but it’s also an empowering space to play in it’s own right.  However, outdoor play is not merely a matter...

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