Creating an environment rich in opportunities to engage in arts based activities is vital in nurturing creativity and holistic development. Through art, children are free to be expressive, try out ideas and techniques and be empowered to 'have a go'. Where these art activities take place will vary from setting to setting - some will have designated areas where children engage in art, an outdoor area where creativity is encouraged or it could happen spontaneously...anywhere. The world of art is so broad and diverse that we can get creative absolutely anywhere - so, let's get creative about creating!


When children are given time to experiment and test out their ideas with art materials and creative processes, they are acquiring skills which influence all areas of development. Here are just some ways that process art holds value:
* Children have a voice - they can express themselves through the media of art, helping them feel a sense of pride, confidence and empowerment.
* Engaging in art and creative play can nurture a myriad of physical skills including fine motor, gross motor, dexterity, hand eye coordination, crossing the mid line, balance and gaining control of the muscles.
* Arts based experiences can inspire communication skills. Talk stems from the experience and inspiration, with children sharing ideas, discussing plans and talking through their processes.
* Mathematical skills and language can be nurtured through art. Children consider space, shape, position and patterns in a hands on, open ended way.
* Arts activities can be fantastic for promoting social development in children. As children get creative together or side by side, they learn to share materials, take turns, be patient, tolerant and engage in collaborative experiences.


Here are some fun art activities you can try out in your setting:

Exploring Shadows with Colour

For this activity, you will need colourful pieces of cellophane, lollipop sticks and cardboard. Cut out some shapes of your choice, stick the cellophane and place your shapes in the sun. Watch how the sun creates a wonderful shadow. You could also try sticking some nature to your cellophane, hang it on a tree to make your own Sun Catcher.

Colour Mixing on a Big Box

This activity is great for a group of children. You will only need a large box, paint and brushes. What colours can you create? What will happen if you mix red and blue etc? Give children the challenge to cover the whole box.

Leaf Art

Leaves are great and free to create your own art, have a look at our collection of different leaf art ideas.

Colour Spotting

Can you go on the colour hunt? What colours can you see in your garden or in the park? Make a little cardboard viewing window or a colour wheel to attach your finds with pegs.

Nature Study

Why not take clipboards and some art resources outside? Try watercolours, pencils, crayons or chalk and encourage children to paint/draw what they see. You could enhance this activity, by bringing nature back to your setting and to encourage children to study the plants further.

Nature Brushes

Create your own brushes using nature finds. Simply attach them to sticks using string and explore different marks they make.


Make Your Own Paint

Create your own paint by mashing flowers and fruits. Wild blackberries are perfect to create a strong colour; use a stick or nature paint brush to explore the colour you made.

Hapa Zome

Hapa Zome printing is a Japanese technique of hammering flowers and leaves into a fabric to create a piece of art. Make your own bunting or use a large piece of material to create a natural background for your display in your setting.

We hope that you have got lots of ideas to take away from this Arts post to create your own Art Activities. 

Don’t forget to share your activities with us on our social channels!


With thanks to the Cosy creatives for this blog post